Friday, March 11, 2011

WFR Day 6

Day 6 was a good day- a little more relaxing than some earlier this week.  We started the day off with a discussion of the legal aspects of WFR, a lot of which have different implications for Red River than they do for an individual WFR (pronounced woofer).

We then had a scenario drill to introduce us to the differences between heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and hyponatremia (drinking too much, eating too little, and sweating all of the salts out of your body).  In the afternoon, they threw a monkey wrench in the response scenario by putting the responder on one side of a "raging river" while the unconscious victim and the victim's friend (who knows nothing about First Aid or CPR) are on the other side.  I got to be the victim of a lightning strike in that scenario, and our responder (who just happened to be my Mr. Obnoxious from Wednesday's simulation) had to figure out how to walk my friend through saving me.  It didn't work so well, but it perfectly illustrated the difficult situations we may eventually find ourselves in.

We also talked a bit about cold injuries- frostbite, avalanche, and Raynaud's syndrome.  My Raynaud's has been acting up all week, so Daz wants me to show it off today if I get the chance.  I can't wait for this afternoon's simulation- I just get to sit back, do some acting, and end off the week with some fun.  I'm betting they have a good scenario planned since this is our last big hurrah before the test tomorrow.  I'll try to get a picture or two of our makeup jobs to post.

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