Monday, March 21, 2011

Seeds Are on Their Way!

I ordered my seeds from the Seed Savers Exchange over the weekend, and I have my raised bed garden all planned out.  (I just need to find a source for good dirt.)  If all goes well this summer, we'll dine on:

String beans (I received this variety from my CSA in Virginia the first year I was involved with the program- they were delicious.)

Broccoli (this kind just looks too neat not to try)

Carrots (which are apparently still orange on the inside)

Lemon cucumbers

Oakleaf lettuce

Amish snap peas

Sweet peppers

Fish peppers (I actually got these for a co-worker, but he said he'd share some with me)

and Trifele tomatoes (to supplement the seeds from the three or four tomatoes that survived last year).

I also picked up some lemon basil and garlic chives, and I'm hoping to plant some garlic in the fall.  I'd like to find a source for asparagus so I can start growing a patch of that as well, but I may have already given myself enough of a challenge for this summer.

Bon appetit!

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