Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ever Onward

With the Island in a good place (and in use for the next couple of weeks), we've turned our sights to Togue.  Due to some scheduling conflicts, we won't be able to get the whole project done as quickly as we'd hoped, but we'll start making progress and see where we end up.

If you've ever been in Togue, you'll remember the distinct 70's vibe it gave off, with its white tiled ceilings, wood paneling, and couch upholstered with partridge.  (Ahem- fabric with images of partridge on it.  I feel I should clear that up right now.) 

We're starting with that tile ceiling.  It came down today:

There was a lot of strapping to deal with. We're going to make the ceiling more of a cathedral ceiling, so that had to go as well. (We'll recycle into new strapping when we put up the pine.)

As with the rest of the cabins, we'll put pine up between the rafters. (Unlike the rest of the cabins, we have actual rafters, rather than logs, to deal with here.) It'll take a few days to get everything looking how it needs to, but I'm definitely intrigued with the new barn-style feel this gives the living room. It's much more camp-y than the tile.

We left the dropped ceiling in the bedrooms to continue affording them some privacy, but we did replace the tile with pine. (My camera lens isn't wide enough to get a good picture.)

As always, more to come as the project goes on.

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