Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Neighbors

It was a drizzly day here, so there's not much interesting to report!  The clouds finally parted a little this evening, though, so I channeled my inner Jennie Appleseed (if you'll pardon the terrible pun) and got some wildflower seed spread down by the pond.  With luck, we'll be able to get a nice buffer around the pond within a couple of years.

We have a very skittish pair of Goldeneyes on the pond right now.  As soon as the door opens, they take off to the middle of the pond and don't come back until we go back inside.  We also have a pair of black ducks and a pair of mallards who know the routine and don't mind our company.  I also saw Jack and Lily again for the first time tonight.  At least, I assume it's them.  I was sitting on Upper's porch when I saw them, so I didn't get a good look. Maybe tomorrow.

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